Percentage Venn Diagram Questions Pdf

25 very important venn diagram questions for ssc chsl exam.
Percentage venn diagram questions pdf. Therefore we are going to discuss venn diagram questions and answers which is helpful for preparation of the competitive exam. Ratio of the number of students who like only football to those who like only hockey 9 of 500 12 of 500 9 12 3 4. Venn diagram questions for cat pdf set 2. Which of the following diagrams represents.
Venn diagrams are a schematic way of representing the elements of a set or a group. A venn diagram is a diagram that describes all the possibilities of overlap and non overlap of two or more sets. Download all quantitative aptitude important questions pdf take free mock test for cat 2018 question 1. 5 had a hamburger and a soft drink.
Number of students who like watching all the three games 15 of 500 75. The best way to explain how the venn diagram works and what its formulas show is to give 2 or 3 circles venn diagram examples and problems with solutions. Ssc chsl venn diagram questions download pdf based on previous year question paper of ssc chsl exam. In the bank exams the venn diagrams questions are of two types mainly.
All values in the venn diagram are in percentage. 33 had soft drinks. 90 students went to a school carnival. In ssc ibps cat others exam questions asked from this topic involve 2 or 3 variable only.
Let us learn these. 8 had a hamburger and ice cream. Download topic wise ssc chsl important questions pdf ssc chsl study material free tests question 1. Download venn diagram questions and answers for cat exam pdf set 2 with solutions.
Questions can be asked on the basis of blank venn diagrams provided and vice versa use is also possible. Now make the venn diagram as per the information given. 3 had a hamburger soft drink and ice cream. Venn diagram worksheets are a great tool for testing the knowledge of students regarding set theories and it s concepts like union intersection etc.
Venn diagram questions for ssc chsl pdf. Venn diagram word problem here is an example on how to solve a venn diagram word problem that involves three intersecting sets. Venn diagram question pdf for ssc cgl chsl gd je si mts stenographer cpo rrb ntpc je group d alp fci railway cwc other competitive exams venn diagram questions asked in ssc cgl exam in this post we are providing you the venn diagram question pdf that is having detailed solution so that you can easily get the logic of question. Problem solving using venn diagram is a widely used approach in many areas such as statistics data science business set theory math logic and etc.
However making such a worksheet is a tedious task. It is an important topic for ssc and banking exams point of view. Students can easily practice venn diagram questions in hindi with answers which asked generally 2 3 venn diagram questions in competitive exams. Important cat practice questions on venn diagrams are given below.
Venn diagram pdf free download now.